An Erasmus+ initiative


High Professional Skills for Advance Science Communication

Kateryna Kovarzh, "Empathy"


The Sci-Co+ Project is funded by the Erasmus+ European Programme. 
The project is carried out by a partnership of eight organisations from five European countries (Ireland, Italy, Romania, Spain and Sweden) coordinated by Idis Foundation – Città della Scienza located in Naples (Italy).



The aim of the project SCI-CO+ is to contribute towards filling an existing gap in the current panorama, with interdisciplinary theoretical and practical training aimed at those who intend to start a profession in the field of museum scientific communication.

At the same time, it is known =, as a consequence of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, that the use of information and communication technologies and the need for easily accessible digital resources aimed at production, information, and knowledge has increased. The theme of “digital transition” has therefore become one of the central points of the political agenda. In the “Recommendation of the Council of 24/11/2020 on VET for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience”, it is clearly highlighted that digital skills must be the heritage of systems and people both in work and training. In this regard, we also recall the “New Skills Agenda for Europe” and the “Digital Education Action Plan”.


"New Frontiers of Science Communication"

The quarterly electronic journal published by the SCI-CO+ Project contains articles of interest, specific results of the Project, contributions from participants in Community Forums, information on dissemination (or meeting) initiatives defined by the partnership, indications about conferences and other events on the topics of interest of the Project.