Digital World Foundation

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Digital World Foundation

Via del Quadraro, 102, 00174 Rome (Italy)

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale (FMD) is a non-profit private law body with patrimonial and managerial autonomy,

Was born from a public-private partnership between the Municipality of Rome and six leading ICT companies. Its headquarters are located at the Città Educativa di Roma, a public centre for the development and experimentation of good practices for innovation in education and training. The mission of FMD is to promote innovative actions in the field of education and social cohesion social cohesion, with special attention to groups at risk of exclusion. Activities focus on 5 transversal macro-areas: 1) Education for Life; 2) Inclusion and non-discrimination 3) Retraining and employability; 4) Active ageing and intergenerational dialogue; 5) Training and integration of migrants and refugees.

FMD works in cooperation with educational institutions, employment centres, universities, companies, private foundations, local, regional and national NGOs and is the creator of the first virtual social innovation environment, ‘Phyrtual Innovation Gym’.

FMD’s educational initiatives are based on the ‘Education for Life’ model, the result of an integrated programme of research-action, development and implementation (ARD&I). A comprehensive cycle that combines academic work with the development of tools and projects to help build a democratic knowledge society, where the benefits of science and technology can reach every individual without discrimination. The FMD strategy involves: (a) the activation of multi-sectoral networks (universities, schools, associations, museums, municipalities, etc.).), (b) the transformation of information into knowledge through experimentation and iterative evaluation in formal, informal and non-formal education and non-formal education, (c) a ‘Digital Open Badge’ system enabling learners to modulate their learning paths on the basis of their training needs and to certify their skills, (d) the organisation of award events to encourage excellence in techno-scientific creativity and scientific storytelling (RomeCup, Global Junior Challenge).

The competencies of FMD teams are divided into the following key components: design, research, academic research, experimentation, community involvement, modelling, training, organisation of events, evaluation and communication of the educational, cultural and social impact of initiatives aimed at enhancing scientific culture and scientific awareness of citizens, with a special focus on schools and fragile targets.

The profiles of FMS key figures are characterised by consolidated experience in building international partnerships, action-research, coding of constantly updated training content through continuous scouting of new teaching practices, communication and dissemination through dedicated channels, community animation, multimedia creation, editorial editing.