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Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza

Via Coroglio, 104 80124 Napoli (Italy)

Città della Scienza has 200,000 visitors per year (pre-pandemic data). Its activities include developing exhibitions, managing exhibition areas, training popularisers, and organising science events. The exhibition area of Città della Scienza is 1,800 square metres consisting of a permanent exhibition on the human body and spaces for temporary exhibitions developed according to the annual calendar. The staff of Città della Scienza takes care of the management, maintenance and updating of the spaces as well as the training of its popularisers who guide visitors to discover further meanings through the use of scientific communication techniques and skills. The science communication initiatives cover both daily events such as laboratories, shows and scientific debates, and more structured events such as scientific seminars, lecture series and workshops.

Città della Scienza has been promoting the organisation of ‘Futuro Remoto’, the first science festival in Europe, for 36 years. The festival involves the main players of the local, national and international research ecosystem. The 2021 edition offered 396 events both in presence and online. The festival is an open innovation platform to promote the communication of R&I results to the public. Speakers at the event are selected through a call for applications, following a training course on science communication practices and techniques provided to them by Città della Scienza.

Città della Scienza was among the promoters of the EMME Summer School for Science Communication (Euro- Mediterranean & Middle East), a training programme to increase the community of actors working in science communication in the region. EMME is promoted with Ecsite and NAMES, the network of science centres in North Africa and the Middle East. The first edition took place in 2013 in Granada, the second in 2015 in Alexandria, the third in 2017 in Città della Scienza in Naples and the fourth edition in 2019 in Kuwait. Following the pandemic, no further editions have been scheduled.

Also in the field of education, Città della Scienza developed a project in 2021 that was financed by ANPAL within the operational framework programme of the National Youth Employment Initiative. The project offered a specialised ICT training course for Java programmers and web developers.