Makers and scientists

Until a decade ago, associating the rigour of the scientific method with digital fabrication was almost unthinkable. Today, however, there are more and more popular events open to the public, as well as challenges and contests, involving researchers, scientists, innovators, creatives and makers in joint activities. The time when digital artisans were regarded as ‘garage […]

Green in the Lab

The concept cook-along has been used in many ways before, but not so often when it comes to chemistry. In Green in the Lab, two children, a green dragon, and a teacher join forces to spread fun chemistry to our youngest chemists, aged 4-8. It is all accessible on Youtube ( and can be used […]

Professional profiles within science communication organisations

The way society engages with science is changing: physical interactions and spaces are shifting into the digital sphere.[1] Institutions such as science museums and science centres, which usually reach audiences with face-to-face engagement, must now question how they can continue to provide impactful experiences in light of this transition. Transforming such experiences to a digital […]

Science communication in the digital age

As a result of the Sars Cov-2 pandemic, the need for information and knowledge has exponentially increased at both the European and global levels, as well as the demand for easily and immediately accessible technological resources. The pandemic has highlighted the necessity of rethinking the relationship between science communication and digital transformation, starting from one […]

An overview

Scenario and Needs As a result of the Sars Cov 2 pandemic, the need for easily and immediately accessible resources for production, information and knowledge has increased exponentially, worldwide and, above all, at European level. In addition to the general areas of work and education, the effects of the Pandemic have manifested themselves strongly in […]


“NEW FRONTIERS IN SCIENCE COMMUNICATION” is the quarterly magazine of the Foundation IDIS-Città della Scienza, born within the Erasmus+ Project “SCI-CO+ – High Professional Skills for Advanced Science Communication”, of which the Foundation is the promoter and coordinator, and which is carried out by a Consortium of eight organizations from five European countries. It is […]

Città della Scienza

The Idis-Città della Scienza Foundation is a nonprofit institution established in 1987 on the initiative of a number of scientists, personalities from the cultural and scientific world, and public and private institutions. Its mission is to enhance scientific culture and innovation for the economic and social development of the territory, in Italy and Europe. Central […]